Блогер из Волгограда и основательница косметической компании Ольга Нечаева устроила новогодний корпоратив в стиле пижамной вечеринки
This article discusses how influencer and businesswoman Olga Nechaeva from Volgograd hosted a Christmas corporate party with a "pajama party" theme. The article highlights Nechaeva's choice to wear only a corset for the occasion, stating this as a unique element within the overall theme.
The core concept centers around Nechaeva's unconventional attire for the office party and the playful, relaxed atmosphere she created with the chosen theme.
This article discusses how influencer and businesswoman Olga Nechaeva from Volgograd hosted a Christmas corporate party with a "pajama party" theme. The article highlights Nechaeva's choice to wear only a corset for the occasion, stating this as a unique element within the overall theme. The core concept centers around Nechaeva's unconventional attire for the office party and the playful, relaxed atmosphere she created with the chosen theme.